Grinding Games has announced that a brand new content update will soon arrive in the world of Path of Exile, which will be named Bestiary.
Bestiary will be available on March 2, 2018 on PC and on Xbox One one week later. The update includes the new Bestiary Challenge League, where players compete to capture and capture the nearly 300 most dangerous Beasts that have overgrowthed in Wraeclast and sacrificed to create all kinds of items.
Path of Exile continues to be one of the largest ARPG games. After the successful launch of the Xbox One and its entry into the Chinese market, the number of players grew more than double from August 2017. The addition of 2017 to The Fall of Oriath boasts more than 3.5 million players.
The major innovations of Bestiary:
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Due to Mask of the Stitched Demon removing all mana benefits from Intelligence, running ST is difficult due to the really small mana pool we're left with. Swapped to BF/Reave and it worked wonders. It farms t15-t16 maps like nothing, but bossing does take a lvl bit of skill due to not being able to face tank everything the game has to offer.
Since its first release in 2013, the New Zealand developer studio has been producing new content updates for Path of Exile at no charge. So also with the new Bestiary League Patch 3.2.0.
This develop relies heavily on stacking up Magic Discover and Item Rarity. Due to the amount of gear we sacrifice for Item Quant gear, we turn out to be squishy and our DPS gets considerably reduced. Because of this acquiring an aura bot assists out the construct a lot.
With a couple of weeks left before the new league starts, and people already getting into that in-between-leagues mode especially with the flashback event hype winding down