Path Of Exile Offers Many Possibilities

Path Of Exile Date: Mar/20/18 13:48:46 Views: 278

As a chubby marauder swinging the ax or as delicate witch throwing fireballs at the monsters, Path of Exile offers seven characters and many possibilities.

In Path of Exile, you play the role of an exile suspended on a monster-infested beach. In the style of Diablo you fight a bloody swath through the monster hordes and thereby bag all kinds of new weapons and useful items. Path of Exile, however, maintains a more adult and darker look than the Genre-Primus Diablo III. In the role of exile, you have six classes at your disposal: the chubby Marauder, the ranged ranger, the magical witch, the skillful duelist, the strong templar, and the deadly shadow. After a single play, you unlock the pretty Scion as a sixth class.

Path of Exile is F2P, but fair

Path of Exile is a representative of the Free 2 Play guild, so it's free to play. Unlike some other free-2 play games, Path of Exile does not annoy you with the request to spend money. Although you may optionally spend real money on cosmetic changes to your character and thus finance the development of the game. But that's not a must, not crucial to the game and discreetly kept in the background. For an F2P title Path of Exile is also very lovingly and in detail worked out - even the dialogues are fully set to music. However, there is currently no German synchronization.

Extensive skill system

In terms of the skill system, that is, the expansion of his character skills, Path of Exile also takes a different approach than Diablo III. While the Blizzard title places a lot of emphasis on simplification and ease of accessibility, which leaves no room for "shambles," Path of Exile offers an extremely comprehensive system that might almost stun genre newbies at first sight. Rather, the round "Skill Tree" is reminiscent of the Sphaerrobrett from Final Fantasy X as a tree. Interesting: Each of the six characters starts on the same "skill tree" - but in a different position. Theoretically, the Marauder can learn magic skills of the Witch - although there are many level ascents so far.

Cooperative multiplayer mode for up to six players

If you like, play Path of Exile with up to five friends in a group and go monster-hunt together. If desired, the dropped PoE items are sometimes assigned to the individual fighters by the game so that only one person may pick up the item. If you like, you can compete with other players in the PvP arena.

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