On March 13th, the nostalgic of Final Fantasy III will be able to relive some of their old emotions on Final Fantasy XIV, thanks to the introduction of the new zone called Eureka with the 4.25 update, which will be released on March 13th according to what was declared by Lodestone.
Based on the eponymous optional Dungeon of the third chapter of the saga, this new area brings with it new mechanics related to the elemental magic and related equipment to be earned in this area, where 144 players will meet simultaneously.
The update will also include the continuation of the adventures of Hildibrand, a series of secondary missions developed with a more cinematographic and narrative perspective than the standard. More FFXIV news please keep eyes on FFXIV4GIL.COM which would devote to offer amounts of cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gil online.
In a forum post, the director and producer of Final Fantasy XIV Naoki Yoshida explained how it came about that the Ungarmax glitch made it through the QA tests into the final game. With that, players could properly deal damage by a simple chat command. Actually an incredible exploit.
In Final Fantasy XIV Patch 4.2, with more missions to take part in, additional PvP updates and more. This update brings a multitude of additions and refinements to the realm. Adventurers of every persuasion are sure to find something to enjoy in this exciting new update. Today, we offer you a sneak peek at what's to come in Patch 4.2 - Rise of a New Sun. More videos and trailers can be found at here: https://www.ffxiv4gil.com/.
Imagine a version of Final Fantasy well in the Pokemon GO style, which uses the geolocation system of your cell phone to make you "hunt" in real life classic enemies of the Final Fantasy series.
It has been two years since VR showed in reality. Recently, some AAA games appear in the VR demos, which one is Final Fantasy XIV.